Create an image of a purple handbag with the 3D word "BALENCIAGA" on it, set against a white background. The design reflects the Autumn/Winter fashion season with an A-Line silhouette made from chiffon fabric. The color palette includes earth tones, and the handbag features ruffles as embellishments. It has a boat neck neckline, sleeveless style, and a high-low length with a slim fit, capturing a minimalist theme.

Create an image of a purple handbag with the 3D word "BALENCIAGA" on it, set against a white background. The design reflects the Autumn/Winter fashion season with an A-Line silhouette made from chiffon fabric. The color palette includes earth tones, and the handbag features ruffles as embellishments. It has a boat neck neckline, sleeveless style, and a high-low length with a slim fit, capturing a minimalist theme.

Created with Free AI Haute Couture Generator

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